Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Testing Tips, Strategies, and Plays Reflection

I believe that testing strategies, plays, and tips can really improve peoples testing skills. By knowing tips from either your peers or adults you know comes in handy because you can take their tips and use it in your own test taking. Knowing testing strategies help you understand the concept of proper test taking and use it to your own advantage, everyone has their own individual strategies to help them get through it. I do not know anything about using plays, I have not used them before in helping in my test taking. I believe if everyone will use the strategies they already know and the tips they will receive in the near future during their CSTs I think they will do fairly well. I just want to add Good Luck to all my peers and I hope you achieve your goals for the test.

1 comment:

  1. Good job keep up the good work!! Dont let drama stop u frm succeeding
