Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free Write

Well today in class there was a fight that broke out between two of our fellow class mates over a laptop. There was a substitute teacher because Ms. Priester was at a training today. There was no class directions left on the blog of what we are supposed to be working on. Ms. Raquel told us to just write a free write post to show that we actually worked on classwork. My week has been going great, I am working on my anger issue and I am getting better at controlling it. I haven't gotten angry in a day and a half, so that is a big thing for me. Yesterday the staff Aaron stopped me and told me that today I have to finish my interviewing packet, because two people have asked for me to start working with them already, so that is something to look forward to.


  1. I agree, I must say that if Ms.Priester was here I don't think that would have happened. Our class respects her to much for that.

  2. I don't think that since we had a sub. people should have acted that way. If Mrs. Priester was here this would not have happened. It is still a 50/50 chance that it could have. I am glad that you are improving your self mentally. That is a big step for most people on this campus. I also think that when you finish that you would feel relieved because then you could work and not have to be around drama as much. It feels good, trust me.

  3. The fight was a stupid because all they had to do was tell Miss Raquel and she would of handled it but I hope you fix your anger problem but if oyu noticed everyone needs anger in them!

  4. You should really change the color on your blog cause it's hard to read and go over your spelling before posting your posts... but rather than that, Great Job on your work:D

  5. nice blog post i hope you have a better weekend

  6. Good job better half i like your post and i hope you have a better weekend.

  7. Great blog post. The fight was uncalled for, but you managed to get your work done.

  8. I wasn't in school and I got a text message about the fight. There are other ways to solve problems other than fighting.
